Wednesday, 21 August 2013

I am changing it!

So yesterday, my friend and I worked on the not so great section of the garden. Actually, we worked on two sections. We moved the poor dried out hosta and Ligularia into a shady damp area under some cedar trees - the stove area. Which meant that I also had to juggle that garden around. We thus replanted a rhodo that is a year old, a fern, an azalea and a red astilbe. Everything except for the azalea stayed with the stove. The azalea was moved to the section that I was supposed to be reworking - the kayak section. It is all still small and insignificant but as the years go by, should fill in nicely...I hope.

This is a photo of the unhappy hosta and the perpetually droopy Ligularia in the unsuitable kayak section.

Now they are with the stove and still looking miserable but that will change!

 The new position of the fern. Its not too happy about being moved either!

And over there by the decrepit bench is the rhodo. Thankfully looking good.

I have changed the shape of the path up to the shed. I will plant something just in front of the the kayak. There needs to be something with some interest and colour. I have an elderberry "Sambuca" tree that is in a place where it is not well shown or I could buy a weeping maple. I am leaning toward the elderberry because I already have it. It is quite gorgeous. Purply black leaves that are like lace fanning out and pink feathery flowers. 
You can also see the little azalea that I moved from the stove area. It is lovely and pink. I think that it adds some structure to this space.

Here is the same space as the picture above. It is the before picture! Wow does it look better now.

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