Wednesday, 11 September 2013

September is here and so are new blooms!

Well, it is coming to an end. It is still weirdly hot during the day but the nights are cool. In fact, I had to water today but I did so in the morning because the evening is just too cold. (I do not like the cold)
I know that I have gone on about hydrangeas but they just keep on producing and changing colour. Honestly, it is amazing. One shrub and you have colour all summer and fall.
All of mine are still producing new buds. Lacecaps, mop heads, oak leaf, and paniculas. Never mind the astounding colour changes in the Quickfires. From white to cream to a dark and dusky rose. Other flowers are stunning but so often short lived. Poppies, iris and lilies are divine but are gone in a flash. That is one of the reasons that hydrangeas are essential structural plants or shrubs in a West Coast garden. They put on a SHOW.

These speak for themselves. And this is September the 11th! Simply glorious.

Some other flashes of colour in the garden are toad lilies, clematis, jasmine (ok they are white), fuchsia and Alstroemeria.  My toad lily are like small orchids. So delicate and fragile. The deer ate the heads off of them but they seem to have come back!! Thank goodness.
Just look at the toad lily. It is worth the summer long wait and then some.

And the toad lily with a fuchsia. I call this a trumpet fuchsia because of it shape...obviously. It is so vibrant and luscious.
A better look at the trumpet fuchsia.

Finally, a perfectly purple clematis. 

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