Wednesday 14 August 2013

Luscious Pink Mophead

I adore this pink hydrang. The colour is striking against the house and foliage. I have three in a row in the front yard and they fascinate me. I have another pink one but it is an Annabelle and I just find it somewhat washed out. I love it but it is not a centrepiece whereas this one you can't believe your eyes. I am going to start to redo a section of my garden. It is relatively new, 3 years and I planted a pink Annabelle as a structural piece. Hmmm. It is so-so and quite lacking a visual punch. In one of Thomas Hobb's books he uses a quote something like "Optimize the beauty potential of every space." This particular hydrangea will do just that but the Annabelle that I am referring to, does all! 
Are you ready for the pictures? I will also post pictures of the section of the garden that I am redoing...but not until the next post. These photos are so stunning that I don't want to ruin the effect by showing you how amateur I really am. The other pics will make you think much less of my skills.

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