This section is three years old. I cut back the sod from the old lawn. The lawn was also from the previous home owners and had been there for at least 38 years. Can you imagine how difficult that chore was? I had to cut out a section and then scrape it up in huge lawn chunks. Like the sod that you roll out for new lawns. You can buy a sod scraper at most nurseries that works like stink but I found that out after I had finished! Figures. Oh well, I used a shovel and edge cutter. Then I heaved the sodding chunks into a truck and took it to the public compost. I still have grass coming up in the garden but it is less every year. Then I added soil and home compost. I always use Seasoil and buy it by the bag. Lots and lots of bags. I usually go to Garden Works if I need just a few bags as they offer a deal on three bags. I also pick some up whenever a garden store has a 40% off everything sale. Dykoff offers a sale like this at least twice a year. I buy an ungodly amount of plants and stuff on sale. I discovered a few years ago that if I am buying a lot of bags and there is no sale on to ask for a discount due to the fact that I am buying 20 or so bags. This has worked in almost every store. Gardening can be expensive so I try to find a way to keep costs down. Seasoil is my favourite soil by far. I think that it feeds the plants and I use it liberally with any new planting as well as just sprinkling it on for fun. However, I am always careful not to strangle any established plants by putting the soil up over the existing stems. For example, with a hydrangea there are many stems coming out of the ground. I don't cover in and between hose stems; just on the existing ground. Does that make sense? I no longer do my own compost due to rampant problems that I will discuss in another post.
On with my horrifying pictures. I apologize!
This is the section in dire straights. From the bottom of the photo to about 2/3's up where you can see the ground. Can you see the hydrangea that I am talking about? It is the limp, washed out Annabelle in the bottom centre. Definitely not a centrepiece. Yikes.
Yeah, Yeah...I know....the kayak is the centrepiece.
This gives a good perspective on how young this section is and how unassuming and under used it is. I want colour, texture, form and interest. What to do?
When I originally planted this section it was shady, super damp and dark. There were humongous branches hanging over everything. I had those cut back in May and it has changed the light dramatically. I planted a shade garden and now it is hot and sunny. Especially this summer! Just look at this poor hosta.
It has been getting way too much sun as had the plant behind it. Honestly, this is the best that that plant has looked for the entire season. It needs a damp area obviously. This area was dark and dank....for a little while anyways. I will be moving these this weekend. I also have some plants that I really love like a Christmas box, rhododendron and fushia.
I will keep you updated on the progress.
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