Tuesday 13 August 2013

And more...

I have more hydrangeas! Are they not brilliant?
Remember that my yard is huge and that I need a lot of structure building plants. Hydrangea are my favourite because they thrive in the rain. If you want to know the name of any of these, just message me. I keep a book of (mostly) everything.

This is a Pee Gee tree. "Gandiflora" It is gigantic. I am loathe to prune it back but am going to have to. Part of my reluctance is sheer ignorance. I am going to research it and then will show you what I have done. I have been cutting it back on the bottom because the branches are so heavy with flowers that they drag on the ground!

The following pictures are of Lacecaps and Annabelles with other plants. You can see how they work as a season long backdrop for colour, texture and form.

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