Friday, 6 February 2015


If only we could eat them! Everyone would be plump and happy just like the greedy little slugs. They are having a fantastic time devouring my plants. Arg. I need to get rid of them. But how?
I have been looking on the internet and there are all sorts of creative ways but honestly, I am not overly enthusiastic.
Why? Because I live in rainy, rat, racoon, and skunk infested Vancouver. Infested is an over exaggeration but honestly...ewwwww. Shudder. Gross. I really really really hate rats. The thought of putting a grapefruit out there for the slugs to eat is ok but what about when it gets dark and attracts everything else. Rodents., not going to do it.
Beer? Any clever rat, skunk or racoon will be out there getting a buzz on. I will have tipsy rodents everywhere. I think not. Plus the household outrage about wasting good beer on slugs. That won't work either!
I do want to use a safe product that will not hurt children, birds, insects etc. I never ever use chemicals for anything in the garden. I found one site that sounded somewhat reasonable but the only advise that I am taking from it is not to water at night. Tra la la la. Perfect in the summer but it rains here...a lot. And at night. I certainly cannot control the weather and no, I am not doing some complicated trap or any trap for that matter. Can you imagine the work in my enormous garden. Seriously. I have managed to convince myself that finding a safe alternative to get rid of the slugs is imperative. Ha.
I found a product "Sluggo" on this site and I am going to go have a look at some local nurseries for it. (Yippee!!!) If I can find it, that is what I will use. I will let you know.

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