Wednesday 11 February 2015

Moved a climbing hydrangea...

The other day, I moved a climbing hydrangea. I have been recovering ever since!
I am not terribly enthusiastic about the is a wee bit understated and boring. Mostly it just made me nervous. Why? Because it was pulling down the neighbours' fence. Those vines are brutal! Only plant it where it is climbing concrete or an ugly handrail. Ha...I have both at the front of my yard. Such an ugly ugly handrail. So I moved it there.

It was a challenge. I dug...and took a break....dug....break. Lots of breaks. Finally my poor brother wandered out and I grabbed him to finish up the beastly job. So easy for him. Arg. That is frustrating.
I planted in a pot that I bought at for 50% off! How great is that? Actually, I bought 4 pots in total. The other 3 predestined to hold roses as I am obsessed with roses this year. Anyways...
In the now empty spot of my garden, I plan to plant a climbing rose! See the picture below. The vine is gone but check out the vines left on the fence.
The only problem is that it is quite shady back there. I have started to research and will do another post with that information. I wonder if you can buy a sun meter to measure the amount of sunshine that a given spot receives? hmmm.....

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