Thursday 5 February 2015


So every single year I become obsessed with something different. Last year, it was day lilies. This year is the year of the rose. They are simply fascinating. I go over and over last year's pictures and I become stuck on the Eden Rose. It is so beautiful in every stage. Layer upon layer of petals unfolding all season long. Holy cow. ( I hope that I didn't kill it in my trellis and training frenzy. It gives me the willies every time that I think about it.).
I have ordered 2 new roses this year. One is a David Austin, named for his daughter Claire and looks like it will be an excellent addition to the long as I don't kill it. Arg. The stress of owning roses. This is the link to the David Austin Roses Website.
and this is a picture of the Claire Austin Rose.
The other rose is a Weeks Rose called Anna's Promise. It too is lovely.
Here is a link to see it
Sorry to have no pictures as of yet but I don't have the rose at this time!
I bought them both online from I love their products and trust the owners...which is significant. This is the third year that I have ordered from them and my orders keep growing.
As I said in a previous post, I have been researching roses and found the best information at
Not the everyday roses series...snooze...the more practical posts about pruning, training etc. Those are amazing. Also he has a post where he has a guest, Brad Jalbert from Select Roses.
Watch this and then go through the website. Moss Roses????? I am going to go to the nursery and I will buy a Moss Rose!
Oh boy!

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