Monday 2 March 2015

My garden is growing and growing.

I can hardly contain my glee. Honestly. I am simply beside myself.
Everywhere I look, there are blooms and budding green. It is simply a giddy time for me. Pathetic and I could care less.
There are tulips, cherry blossoms and well...other stuff.
I may be over-reacting. Hmm.
I have been out in the garden a fair amount. I have pruned my lavenders after much thought and anxiety. This is not an easy thing. I usually do this in October but this year, I waited as all of the reading I did last year indicated that I should wait until the spring. However, professional opinions vary. Some say give them a prune in the fall and the spring. Aggravates me but at the same time suits me. I will do whatever I want! For years, I have trimmed them in the fall but this year, I rebelled and did it the other day. hmmm. I hope that they are happy.

Yikes...what a mess. I hadn't cleaned up when I took the photo.
Truthfully? I still haven't. Shh.
Hopefully you can see their new shape.

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