Tuesday 7 April 2015

Look at this!!! My garden is blooming.

My tulips. The ones that the fat happy squirrels didn't get. Next year I will plan much better.  I am thinking chicken wire.

The rest of the garden is coming up. These are 2 of my Auntie Dot's plants that Liz and I dug up last year

Do you see the clematis blooms? I cut it back this year and was so nervous but all is good. In fact, it is better.

 Hostas are starting to come up.

A Pacques (Pusatilla) flower. I bought 2 last year. I will have to find out if they multiply. hmm

My Auntie Dot's trillium. I moved a small piece and it has survived. Stunning.

My daphne. Lovely. Fragrant beyond your wildest dreams. They do not like to be bothered.

Bloodroot. Its here and then...blink...gone.

Hellebore. Glorious and strangely long lasting. huh.

Iris and lilies.

My newest rose. David Austen.

My one and only remaining tulip in my downstairs pots. Greedy little rodents (squirrels).

Viburnum. The green blooms are from the snowball and the pink are Korean Spice. They are highly fragrant. The snowball is covered in blooms as you can tell by the picture. The blooms are pure white globes and they are not fragrant. 

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