Friday 4 July 2014

Oh good gracious....May and June

I am so fed up with trying to be organized. Honestly.... I need...need to post fabulous pictures that are up to date. Soon...sigh.

Hosta Forest - south garden

 Azalea and ferns in antique tub - south garden

Red onions, garlic, oregano, rosemary, and sage for cooking and freezing for next year.

Lavender and chives.

 East garden

Lilies from my sons. Mother's Day 2014

Iris...have to be careful with this one. It will grow any where and has seed pods. I am pretty ruthless in controlling it.  As in, I rip it out and never give it a second thought because it is coming back.

True love. I bought this clematis at Southlands.

 Oriental poppies. Short lived but stunning.

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