If your garden is like mine then you will likely have a few shady spots. When I first started building my garden, I found these hard to deal with. It depends on your style. Personally, I like big, bold and beautiful plants. I have a damp, shady spot that is absolutely stunning because of the texture, size, form and greens of the shade plants. There are 3 enormous hostas, all with different leaves, colours and textures, white astilbe, a sweet box, 2 white rhodos, hellebores, bloodroot and blue corydalis. There is also a jurassic sized fern that just grew there!
The bloodroot is unbelievable. In the spring it pops up white lotus-like flowers for a day or so. They are magical. As soon as they are gone the leaves increase in size and are simply stunning. I am as interested in leaves, shapes and textures as I am in flowers. Flowers are more fleeting. The first picture was taken in early April and the second on June 22nd. Crazy beautiful.
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