I have pruned my clematis, wisteria (ok, not really but I thought about it. It is still too puny for words.), taken heads off of hydrangeas and cut back all of the ferns.
Many plants are starting to develop. Hydrangeas , day lilies, weeping maples, iris, peony, poppies and lily of the valley are starting to green up. How thrilling. Seriously.
I have some ideas for this coming season. Maybe too many.
Firstly, I want to paint some antique gates that I bought last year. I think that they came from Turkey and I am going to paint them purple. Sacrilege and I don't care because it will look amazing. The hydrangea that I want them to highlight is in the following picture.
PS If you don't see a picture this summer...I didn't do it.
Secondly, I must plant some ground covers amongst my hodgepodge of stepping stones. Lots of them and whatever takes my fancy. If I don't like it, I will dig it up and get rid of it. Kidding. I am way too much of a sap. I will move it!...maybe to the recycling bin. HA!
Thirdly, I am going to plant potatoes, mini cucumbers, lots of garlic, strawberries and carrots. Of course, I will do my usual mini tomatoes and lettuce.
Finally, for the moment, I would like to rearrange some areas of the garden, to make the most of the "beauty quotient" in every single corner. Make it more stunning. Think of the visual, odour, textual impact of each plant. How is any individual experiencing the garden as they walk through the paths. What do they choose to smell or touch or exclaim over?
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