Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Where to start? Bloodroot.

Well...things have been busy. Stupid busy.
I have been snapping pictures as things change but I am not so sure that I got everything.
I will try to break it down into smaller blogs so that it is not too confusing. I am confused and I have been living it!
Every single year, I wait for my bloodroot to come up. This year....it was spectacular. It didn't rain for around a week which allowed for the flowers to develop fully. A first. The pictures say it all.

These photos are in chronological order over a week. Check out how small the leaves are in this picture and how they increase in size until they are all that remain.

These leaves are all that will remain for the rest of the summer. However, I love the shape and texture of them. The flowers are like small lotus flowers that are stunning in their beauty, fragility and daintiness. These qualities are made all the more obvious by the oddly coarse and heavy leaves. The exquisite bloodroot is breathtaking.