Wednesday, 3 December 2014

I am on a roll...

Snow and ice is presently covering my garden. It gives me the willies. I worry that one or more (shudder) of my glorious plants/shrubs/trees will die. Something usually does but I live with hope that this time will be different.
However, these are pictures from the end of June and into July! No snow.

Monday, 1 December 2014

It is December 1st and I am just posting July. least I am posting pictures! Things have been crazy around here. Crazy. No wonder I love my garden so much. It is peaceful. Well..sort of. If I excluded the racoons, rats, bears and skunks. Sometimes I turn around and a skunk or racoon is ambling across the garden. If they could whistle...they would! The babies are so cute. The racoon babies tumble and bumble about...until mummy hisses at least.

 much for catching up!

It is now November and gardening season is pretty much over.  And I missed blogging about it. Oh well, there is always next year!
I worked in the garden but never had a second to write although I did take quite a few pictures. My  good friend does all of the hard work...I am more of a consultant these days.
We (Liz and I) closed down the garden a week ago or so. Much to my distress, I found out that my lawn has been infected with the chafer beetle. Arg. I have no idea of what to do. Lawns are torn up all over the North Shore. What a shame. I have to do more research.
The following pictures were taken at the end of June. I adore hydrangeas.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Still trying to get through June....

Seriously, I am only mid way through June at this point. Everything was just happening at once, and quite obviously, I could not keep up. The pictures speak for themselves.

Crazy gorgeous iris.